Thursday, February 28, 2008

Minggu lepas, NKF(National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia) datang ke office utk check tekanan darah serta ujian darah utk kolestrol dan glucose. Disebabkan NKF ni badan kerajaan gak so bayaran utk buat ujian tu semua tak mahal hanya rm2. Itupun company yg bayar!! Memula tu excited gak sbb dah lama tak buat blood test dan tekanan darah ni. Tapi bila dapat hasil memang terkejut. Ukh..ukh..kolestrol ku tinggi!!Jangan tak caya jumlah kolestrol 7.95 mmol/L. Kiranya nak sedapkan hati mungkin kolestrol tinggi sebab pagi sebelum buat test ni ada amik sarapan yang mempunyai kolestrol tinggi iaitu kuning telur dan makanan bergoreng. Sepatutnya kalau nak test darah harus berpuasa. Untuk lebih puaskan hati so gi lah jumpa doktor kat klinik. Dierr suruh datang keesokan harinya dan start pukul 11mlm kena start puasa. Esok harinya pergi lah buat blood test kat klinik. Then doktor tu suruh datang minggu depan untuk amik result.

Result Dari NKF

Hari ni dah genap seminggu dan dah tiba masanya untuk pergi amik result kat doktor. Hati tu memang rasa berdebar2 mana taknya kolestrol tinggi ni tak leh buat main2. Kesan dierr pada jantung. Bila dah doktor bagitau result, memang terkedu. Doktor tu sendiri tak percaya. Dierr kata, " You're still young but your cholestrol very high. Your total cholestrol is 7.0 mmo/L and LDL cholestrol(kolestrol jahat) is 4.89 mmo/L. You not smoking and I don't know what have to do with you. Kemungkinan juga berkaitan dengan masalah penyakit usus yg itu hadapi sekarang ni" Lepas tu dierr suruh start amalkan diet dan exercise selalu. Nampaknya lepas ni tiap2 pagi sebelum pegi keja kena bersenam dulu dan kena ambil makanan yg kurang kolestrol. Doktor tu tak berani nak bagi ubat sebab usia kira muda lagi nak dapat kolestrol tinggi ni so kena jumpa dierr lagi 6 bulan akan datang utk test blood semula. Kebetulan 2 member opis pun buat test blood. Dua2 pun join the club sbb kolestrol tinggi.

Result Dari Klinik

Bila terbaca posting pasal kolestrol kat blog uncle Zabs, dierr pun mengalami masalah yang sama dan mungkin sekarang kolestrol dierr dah rendah. Advice utk semua orang pergilah check kolestrol sebelum terlambat. Macam slogan kat bawah ni,

"Mencegah Itu Lebih Baik Dari Merawat"

Credit to NHLBI

What Is Cholesterol?

To understand high blood cholesterol (ko-LES-ter-ol), it is important to know more about cholesterol.

  • Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all cells of the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to work the right way. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs.
  • Cholesterol is also found in some of the foods you eat.
  • Your body uses cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods.
Blood is watery, and cholesterol is fatty. Just like oil and water, the two do not mix. To travel in the bloodstream, cholesterol is carried in small packages called lipoproteins (lip-o-PRO-teens). The small packages are made of fat (lipid) on the inside and proteins on the outside. Two kinds of lipoproteins carry cholesterol throughout your body. It is important to have healthy levels of both:

  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is sometimes called bad cholesterol.
    • High LDL cholesterol leads to a buildup of cholesterol in arteries. The higher the LDL level in your blood, the greater chance you have of getting heart disease.
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is sometimes called good cholesterol.
    • HDL carries cholesterol from other parts of your body back to your liver. The liver removes the cholesterol from your body. The higher your HDL cholesterol level, the lower your chance of getting heart disease.

What Is High Blood Cholesterol?

Too much cholesterol in the blood, or high blood cholesterol, can be serious. People with high blood cholesterol have a greater chance of getting heart disease. High blood cholesterol on its own does not cause symptoms, so many people are unaware that their cholesterol level is too high.

Cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries (blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body). This buildup of cholesterol is called plaque (plak). Over time, plaque can cause narrowing of the arteries. This is called atherosclerosis (ath-er-o-skler-O-sis), or hardening of the arteries.

The illustration shows a normal artery with normal blood flow (Figure A) and an artery containing plaque buildup (Figure B).

Special arteries, called coronary arteries, bring blood to the heart. Narrowing of your coronary arteries due to plaque can stop or slow down the flow of blood to your heart. When the arteries narrow, the amount of oxygen-rich blood is decreased. This is called coronary artery disease (CAD). Large plaque areas can lead to chest pain called angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh). Angina happens when the heart does not receive enough oxygen-rich blood. Angina is a common symptom of CAD.

Some plaques have a thin covering and burst (rupture), releasing fat and cholesterol into the bloodstream. The release of fat and cholesterol may cause your blood to clot. A clot can block the flow of blood. This blockage can cause angina or a heart attack.

Lowering your cholesterol level decreases your chance for having a plaque burst and cause a heart attack. Lowering cholesterol may also slow down, reduce, or even stop plaque from building up.

Plaque and resulting health problems can also occur in arteries elsewhere in the body.

Lain 2 Artikel :
1.Serangan jantung - Kolestrol tinggi antara punca

2. High Cholesterol

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posted by *reen'a* at 1:32 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tetiba lak rasa nak makan steamboat.Kebetulan member kata steambot kat Johnny's Restaurant boleh tahan. So malam ahad lepas pergi lah try makan kat situ. Pergi dalam 5 orang. Kita orang amik pakej steambot harga dalam rm59.90. Nasib baik lah ada abang nak ikut sebab kita org pompuan 4 org ni memang tak larat nak makan semua.Anyway memang puas hati lah sebab balik rumah terus terjelepuk atas katil sbb terlalu kenyang. He..he.

Ni first time rasa air chocolate float(ais krim cokelat + coke)
dan air vanilla float(ais krim vanila + sprite)

Air kelapa Thai ni memang sedap walaupun kecik.

Ni lah harga makan malam kami berlima...

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posted by *reen'a* at 1:30 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
I'll Be There'll be there! Ukh..ukh...kalau lah boyfriend nyanyi lagu ni siap main gitar, memang terharu habis!!!Mau lepas tu tiap2 hari dierr nyanyi hanya utk girlfriend dier yg dah feeling habis ni, ha!!ha!!!Lagu ni asalnya dinyanyikan oleh Jackson 5. Memang impress habis dengar sore Micheal Jackson masa kecik2. Rasanya kalau Micheal tak buat plastic surgery, rupa dierr musti lebih ok dari sekarang. Oh ya, lagu ni pun ada dinyanyikan semula oleh diva terkenal iaitu Mariah Carey. Memang superb...

You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I'll be there

I'll reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name and I'll be there

I'll be there to comfort you,
Build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well that's all I'm after
Whenever you need me, I'll be there
I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name and I'll be there

If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you
'Cause if he doesn't, I'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there

(Just look over your shoulders, honey - oo)

I'll be there, I'll be there, whenever you need me, I'll be there
Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there...

I'll Be There(Acapella)

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posted by *reen'a* at 1:38 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Mulakan Perniagaan

Ramai kengkawan buat bisnes sendiri. Sebenarnya bisnes sendiri ni ada pro n con. Kalau ikutkan buat keja sendiri ni lagi adventure. Semuanya kita kena buat sendiri.Susah n senang sendiri tanggung. Tapi hasilnya masyuk..... Tengok lak jenis bisnes yg kita buat.Biasalah mula2 meniaga mana nak dpt untung banyak.Bukan apa, jgn pulak baru separuh jalan dah putus asa. Memang berbeza lah keja sendiri n keja makan gaji ni. Kalau yg keja makan gaji tu, tiap2 bulan tak yah nak fikir psl duit sbb tiap2 bulan mmg duit dapat. Tapi yg bisnes sendiri ni lain lak. Kekadang tu 2-3 bulan tak dpt untung, kalau ada pun cukup2 bayar nak gaji pekerja. Masa tulah mmg rasa nak pecah kepala nak pikir bayar yg lain.

Ada gak tanya kat kengkawan macam mana nak mulakan perniagaan sendiri. Dalam otak tu mmg ada mcm2 plan nak buat. Dierr org tanya balik, "ko ada modal kerr?" Part ni yg paling susah nak jawap sbb gaji yg diterima tiap2 bulan tu semua utk bayar kereta n hutang2 yg lain. Memang xde simpanan. Maklumlah gaji ciput jerk...

Sebenarnya hanya ada satu cara paling senang nak dapatkan modal iaitu 'pinjaman'. Tak kiralah nak pinjam melalui keluarga, kawan2 atau institusi kewangan. Elakkan dari buat pinjaman melalui Along. Nanti tak pasal2 hilang tangan atau kaki.

Credit to kakisembang

Adakah anda ingin memulakan perniagaan? Apakah yang anda perlu lakukan? Borang apakah yang perlu diisi? Persoalan berikut mungkin timbul daripada seseorang yang ingin berjinak dalam bidang perniagaan, khususnya perniagaan kecil-kecilan (Enterprise dan Perkongsian). Kepada yang berkenaan, jangan bimbang kerana sebuah buku (e-book) telah dikompil khas untuk membantu golongan seperti anda.

Buku ini menerangkan langkah demi langkah cara memulakan perniagaan, bermula dari pengenalan jenis perniagaan (milikan tunggal, perkongsian, sendirian berhad, berhad) kepada cara pendaftaran, dan langkah yang harus diambil selepas mendaftarkan perniagaan/syarikat anda. Antara proses diterangkan :

1) Cara mendaftarkan perniagaan
2) Cara mengisi borang A (P.N.A 1)
3) Borang P.N.A 1A
4) Yuran pendaftaran perniagaan
5) Cara mendapatkan lesen perniagaan
6) Panduan Memilih nama perniagan
7) Apa harus dilakukan selepas mendaftar

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posted by *reen'a* at 1:04 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Eye

"The Eye" merupakan cerita seram tentang kehidupan seorang wanita buta berubah setelah mendapat kornea mata dari seorang penderma yg tidak dikenali. Melalui mata barunya itu, pelbagai perkara yang pelik dan menyeramkan telah berlaku. Setelah itu, dia mula menyiasat siapakah pemilik mata tersebut dengan bantuan seorang doktor muda. Setakat ini filem ini telah dibuat dalam 3 versi iaitu yg asal dari Hong Kong, kemudian remake dibuat dalam versi Hindustan dan baru2 ini versi Hollywood telah ditayangkan seluruh dunia. Ketiga2 filem ini mmg best dan mempunyai kekuatan yang tersendiri sebab 2 remake yg dibuat tak follow 100% versi yg asal dan mungkin mereka inginkan kelainan dan mengikut cara mereka tersendiri.

  • The Eye aka Jian Gui (2002)

The Eye is a co-production of MediaCorp Raintree Pictures in Singapore and Applause Pictures of Hong Kong, and was shot in Hong Kong and Thailand with a pan-Asian cast and crew, including Malaysian-Taiwanese actress Angelica Lee, Chinese-Canadian singer Lawrence Chou, Singaporean singer-actor Pierre Png and Thai actress Chutcha Rujinanon.The crew included Thai cinematographer Decha Seementa and the Thai music collective Orange Music provided the score.

Danny and Oxide Pang said they were inspired to write the screenplay for The Eye by a report they had seen in a Hong Kong newspaper 13 years before, about a 16-year-old girl who had received a corneal transplant and committed suicide soon after.

"We'd always wondered what the girl saw when she regained her eyesight finally and what actually made her want to end her life", Oxide said in an interview.

  • Naina (2005)

Naina is a Hindi horror film released in India in 2005. It stars Urmila Matondkar and shooting at London and India.

Its release caused controversy in India because its depiction of the protagonist seeing ghosts after receiving a corneal transplant was similar to existing fears in India surrounding corneal transplants and it was feared the film would discourage people from donating corneas or seeking corneal transplants.

In The Eye, Mun became blind at the age of two. In Naina, Naina became blind at age five. In The Eye, Mun lived with her grandmother and sister. In Naina, Naina lives with her grandmother.

  • The Eye(2008)

The Eye movie is the Hollywood remake produced by Tom Cruise and Paula Wagner, in which Jessica Alba stars as the lead character.Filming Locations at Albuquerque, New Mexico USA.

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posted by *reen'a* at 10:19 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Susu Botol? Lampin Pakai Buang? Nangis?

Sebenarnya ada cerita di sebalik susu botol, lampin pakai buang ( diaper) dan nangis.Minggu lepas, pergi lah rumah abang. Anak dierr yg sulung iaitu kakak Nurin bagitau yang adik dierr abg Nabil dah tak minum susu botol lagi. Kita orang memang terkejut lah sbb abg Nabil ni kalau tak minum susu botol sebelum tido mmg dierr akan mengamuk. Selalu gak kita org ejek dierr sbb umur dah 5 tahun tapi still minum susu botol. Actually kita org dewasa mmg tak leh nak teka pemikiran budak2. Kadang2 tu jwp dierr org ni ada gak logiknya dan sering membuat kita ketawa. Kalau boleh nak balik semula ke alam kanak2. Takyah nak pikir psl masalah keja, kehidupan dan lain2 lagi. Memang best!! Oh ya, abg Nabil telah membuat azam baru psl 3 benda kat atas tu. Memang menarik, he..he..

Umur 5 Tahun - Tak nak minum susu botol lagi

Umur 6 Tahun - Tak nak pakai lampin pakai buang (diaper)

Umur 7 Tahun - Tak nak nangis lagi!! He..he.. ya kerr abg Nabil.
Jangan meraung macm budak kat bawah ni sudah!!


posted by *reen'a* at 1:01 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
UNO Game

Permainan kad UNO merupakan salah satu indoor game yg digemari sejak sekolah dulu. Kalau dah start main memang tak boleh nak stop. Satu lagi main UNO ni boleh jadi ketagih !!

Mana taknya sanggup bersengkang mata sampai 2-3 pagi utk bermain. Nak jadikan permainan tu lebih best, kenakan denda terhadap pemain yang kalah. Adeh...malang sungguh sapa yg kalah!!!

Macam semalam, main dgn cik epi n makcik sayur. Denda kita orang simple jerk, sapa yg kalah kena conteng dgn krim muka. Ha..ha.. habis muka masing2 dah jadi mcm badut.

Kalau main ramai2 memang seronok.
Paling siket 2 org dan paling ramai 10 org!

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posted by *reen'a* at 8:25 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Anti Virus

Sekarang ni macam2 jenis virus boleh serang pc. Tanpa protection dari anti virus, mmg hancurlah pc kita ni...Ni pengalaman sendiri lah, syok2 buka internet masuk website sana sini, tak sedar virus dark trojan datang serang pc. Anti virus yg digunakan masa tu pun tak leh buat apa. Memang sedih lah sbb nak tak nak kena format balik pc dan habis fail2 dalam pc hilang mcm tu jerk. Memang x leh nak selamatkan lagi. Ukh..ukh... Pasal software anti virus lak, macam2 jenis dah try. Kalau tanya setiap orang, mereka ada pendapat masing2. Ada yang kata jenis ni bagus lah, jenis yang tu tak bagus lah dan macam2 pendapat yang lain.

Terjumpa kat website ni, tips utk ciri2 yang kita perlu tengok dalam memilih software anti virus yang bagus.Thank's to Top Ten Reviews :

Top anti-virus software should be easy enough for a computer novice to both use and install. The software should effectively seek out and identify virus threats, as well as clean or isolate infected files. There should be understandable reporting available for each scan and plenty of help support available, so you can be well informed of the software’s activities and capabilities. Below are the criteria TopTenREVIEWS used to evaluate anti-virus software.

  • Ease of Use –Exceptional anti-virus software is simple to use, regardless of a person’s computer experience or knowledge of viruses.
  • Effective at Identifying Viruses and Worms – The best anti-virus products identify infected files quickly through real-time scanning, searching for viruses in a multitude of sources, including email, instant message applications, web browsing and so on.
  • Effective at Cleaning or Isolating Infected Files –Truly capable anti-virus software thoroughly cleans, deletes or quarantines infected files—keeping them from spreading throughout the hard drive or network.
  • Activity Reporting – Anti-virus programs should give immediate notification of viruses found by real-time scanners and should provide an easy-to-read report of scan results, including what it found and what it did with infected files.
  • Feature Set – A well-rounded feature set allows anti-virus software to provide absolute protection. The best programs are those that offer a wide variety of tools, from basic real-time scanning to more advanced, heuristic scanning and script blocking - when it comes to virus protection, the more options the better.
  • Ease of Installation and Setup – Anti-virus programs should be a breeze to install, making it easy to go from installation to initial scan in just a couple clicks of the mouse.
  • Help Documentation – High-end anti-virus software come with plenty of help, including support via email, online chat or over the telephone. There should also be online resources, such as knowledge bases and FAQs available for quick and convenient help.

Sebenarnya mana2 anti virus pun akan cuba protect pc kita dari ancaman virus dan worm ni.Semua software ni ada pro & cons. Terserah pada pengguna untuk memilih yang terbaik.Ni antara software2 anti virus yg top dan mendapat rating tinggi dari pengguna.

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posted by *reen'a* at 1:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Chinese New Year 2008

Ni untungnya kalau ada pelbagai kaum kat Malaysia ni. Bukan apa dapat cuti free ma...Cuma semalam memang terkilan habis sebab ingatkan boleh balik awal lah dalam pukul 5, rupanya boss tu last minute suruh buat 5 report dan kena hantar pada dierr pada hari tu gak. Nasib baik tak sambut Chinese New Year, kalau tak musti tak sempat pergi 'makan besar'.

Sempena Tahun Baru Cina ni, supplier2 kat company tu bukan main bagi buah limau berkotak2.Anyway ok gak lah dapat limau dari tak dapat langsung.Limau mandarin ni pun ada grade gak. Yang masam tu grade yg paling bawah n murah.Tapi yg supplier bagi tu semua manis2..ermmm tu yg mahal punya agaknya.

Credit to author : Naidu Ratnala Thulaja - National Library Board Singapore

Common name: Mandarin Orange.
Scientific name: Citrus reticulata.
Malay name: Limau langkat, Limau wangkas, limau kupas.
Chinese name: Cheng zi (Mandarin).
Other names: Kid glove oranges, Loose-skin oranges, tangerine oranges, tangerines.

Mandarin Orange (Citrus reticulata), tropical and sub-tropical tree belonging to the family Rutaceae whose fruit is popular. Associated with good fortune by the Chinese, it is a significant feature of local Chinese New Year celebrations. The fruit is high in Vitamin C and its juice is a popular drink.

Origin and distribution
Mandarin oranges are native to the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Asia, probably Southern China, the Philippines and the Malay Archipelago. There are many different hybrids or varieties of Mandarins. The flavour of the fruit ranges from sprightly sweet to nearly spicy. Some are seedless while others full of them. The fruits also vary in size and colour. Tangerines, for example, are the brightly-coloured version of Mandarins.

Due to the great variety, there were probably differences in the early classification of the fruits, resulting in other scientific names for Mandarin oranges like Citrus nobilis, Citrus deliciosa and Citrus chrysocarpa. The most distinctive feature of all Mandarin oranges is its peelable skin. The fruits of Citrus reticulata have a very loose skin that is so easy to peel that they are called kid-glove or loose-skin oranges.

Mandarin oranges were nearly restricted to Asia until their introduction to the West at the turn of the 19th century. In 1805, two varieties of the Mandarin oranges were brought into England from Canton. From England, it was introduced into the Mediterranean region. By 1850, the fruit was well-established in Italy. The Italian Consul at New Orleans in the United states imported Mandarin oranges from Italy between 1840 to 1850. From there the fruit spread to Florida and later to California. In 1896, a variety of the fruit from Japan, the Owari Satsuma, was introduced to USA, and between 1908 and 1911, about a million budded trees of the same variety were sent to the Gulf for planting. Another variety of the fruit, the King Mandarin, was sent from Saigon to California in 1882. In 1888, seeds of Oneco Mandarin which were widely grown in the Western Ghats of India were sent to the USA. In the early 1890s, the Ponkan variety were sent to the USA from China, and this led to the commercial propagation of Mandarins in the USA.

The fruit was probably named "Mandarin" because it was introduced to the West by China. "Mandarin" was an English reference for Chinese government officials. The fruit is also known as Mandarina among the Spanish-speaking population of the American tropics. Mandarin oranges today are commonly found in Japan, East Indies, India, Australia and almost all tropical, sub-tropical and cooler parts of the world. In Southeast Asia, the Citrus reticulata and Citrus sinensis varieties are commercially grown in the cooler Cameron Highlands of Peninsular Malaysia. Citrus suhuiensis, known as limau langkat or limau madu in Malay, is grown in the warmer Malaysian states of Terengganu, Johor and Pahang.

Mandarin trees are low woody shrubs commonly measuring between 3.6 to 4.5 m high. However, these spiny trees can sometimes grow up to 8 m tall. The bark is rather thick and brownish yellow in colour. Older twigs are dark brown while younger twigs are dark green. Younger twigs are also smooth and flattened at their ends. The leaves are lanceolate or elliptic, with a yellow-green undersurface. They measure 2.5 to 10 cm long and 1 to 3.5 cm wide. The margins of the leaves are toothed from the apex to the middle of the leaf. The leaf stalks do not normally have wings, but if present, they are narrow. Flowers are white and small (about 1.5 cm in diameter) with 5 petals. They grow singly or in a group of 2-3 flowers in a stalk at leaf corners. Mandarin fruits are globose to oblate in shape with a shiny skin that can come in a range of colours from green, greenish yellow, yellow to golden. The skin is thin, peels easily and encloses flesh that is separated in 9 to 15 segments. The segments are covered with a very thin, edible transparent skin. The flesh is pale orange in colour and juicy. Seeds, if present, are small, oblong and inedible.

Usage and potential

Food: A good source of vitamins and minerals, the fruit is often consumed fresh. It can also be canned in syrup or made into juice. The fruit and the rind are used to flavour cakes, pastries, gelatines, puddings, chewing gum, bakery products, and tea. Mandarin oil is used to flavour carbonated beverages.

Medicine: Essential oils obtained by cold compression of the peel is used in aromatherapy and traditional medicine for the treatment of insomnia, and skin and digestive problems. Different varieties of the fruit and parts of the plant, such as seeds, roots, leaves and flowers are used in Chinese, Malay and Indian traditional medicine. Petitgrain mandarin oil is obtained from distilling leaves, twigs and unripe fruits of the plant. The fruit being high in Vitamin C, is considered good for the immune system. It is supposed to help combat phlegm and keeps colds at bay. Some varieties of the fruit contain a decongestant called synephrine.

Other uses: Among the Chinese, the Mandarin oranges are associated with good luck. During the Chinese New Year celebrations, Mandarin oranges are given to family and friends to usher in prosperity. Some of the essential oils obtained from the peel is used in the manufacture of perfumes, cologne and floral compounds.

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posted by *reen'a* at 3:05 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Jam Leuy Ruk

Sekarang ni tengah gilerr layan lakorn Thai.Lama dah tak tengok drama siam ni."Jamleuy Ruk Ni" memang bestlah. Still lagi tengah main kat Thailand. Semua sekali ada 14 episod.
Nak tengok spoiler jom masuk sini..

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posted by *reen'a* at 1:38 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Penyanyi Terkenal Arab Diraba!!!

Memang sedia maklum penyanyi arab terutama dari Mesir dan Lebanon ni seksi2. Walaupun jarang ambil tahu psl artis dr negara timur tengah sana tp kejadian kontroversi yg berlaku sewaktu persembahan di Mesir memang mengejutkan.

Jarang dengar artis kena raba sewaktu persembahan tp inilah yang telah berlaku ke atas artis dari Lebanon iaitu Marwa. Mula2 tu memang kesian lah kat minah ni sbb jadi mangsa rakus tangan laki2 yg tak bertamadun tu tp bila nengok gambar2 dierr mmg hilang rasa simpati pd dierr.

Tak leh nak ckp apa, tengok jerklah gambar2 kat bawah ni, memang tak heranlah kalau kena raba...

Hampeh..boleh lak pakai baju siap nampak nipple!!

Ni lak masa kejadian raba meraba tu. ewwww.....

Salah satu video klip dierr. Boleh lak goda penjual2 ikan kat pasar dgn harapan dpt harga murah kot. He..he..korang nengoklah sendiri.

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posted by *reen'a* at 11:33 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Cornetto? Love Perhaps Season 2

Semalam iaitu episod-10 merupakan final utk Cornetto Love? Perhaps Season 2. Memang dah boleh agak sapa yg menang memandangkan Vincent dan Laura yg menemui cinta sejati dalam rancangan realiti ni. Lebih lanjut baca kat artikel Harian Metro ni..

Bagi pasangan Raj n Christy, walaupun tewas tapi ikatan persahabatan telah membantu mereka hingga ke final.Terbaca gak kat New Straits Times hari ni yang Aliza(awekz thai) telah mengikat tali pertunangan dgn Adrian(hot guy).Manakala couple yg paling kontroversi iaitu Allan dan May telah menarik diri pada episod ke-9. Tak tahu apa terjadi pd hubungan mereka. Anyway semua ni just program realiti. Hubungan itu kekal atau tidak semua terpulang pada mereka.

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posted by *reen'a* at 2:31 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
Nabil Dah 5 Tahun - 23 Jan 08

Lama dah tak update kat sini. Banyak betul perkara yg berlaku dan nasib baik tak jadi gila akibat tekanan perasaan. ukh..ukh.. anyway 23 Jan lepas, my handsome boy Abang Nabil telah menyambut harijadinya yg ke-5. He..he..2 kali dierr nangis sbb nak hadiah helikopter(remote control). Kereta dgn motor dierr tolak n tegas dgn pendirian dierr nak helikopter gak. Finally dierr dapat gak helikopter tu walupun kecil.Jaga baik2 tau helikopter tu, boleh tahan gak harga dierr walaupun kecil...

Dari 'Auntie n Nek Ucu'

Ben10 Dari 'Mak Ucu'

Baju dan Robot Dari 'Nenek & Atuk '

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